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Tomorrow is not promised
Capture your loved one's memories today! 

Living Life Defined presents:

'All About Me; A Journal for My Family'

A gift for yourself

A gift for your family

I want this Journal NOW!
(US shipping only)

To have our loved one's handwritten memories, passions, challenges and thoughts they hold near and dear to them, is a gift we give ourselves. 

  • Imagine having your mother or grandmother's handwritten memories and experiences. Her stories of childhood, her struggles, and her passions in one place as a lasting legacy.

  • Imagine having your father's written recollection of his childhood, his challenges and his memories written in his own words and with his penmanship. 

  • Maybe you are close with a special aunt, your godmother, or a friend; maybe you know someone who has stories and wisdom you would love to capture.

  • 'All About Me' can do all of this; this will be a truely timeless and cherished keepsake!

  • The truth is: it can be hard to talk about our personal experiences. 

    Imagine providing the place and the space for our loved ones to share their wisdom, their passions, and their special stories.

    That is exactly what this 67-page prompted writing journal offers! 

    With each page, our loved ones are prompetd to share their stories, to write something they may not be able to talk about, to let you know their legacy. 

    This journal becomes a sacred space where memories are captured. It's a sanctuary where legacy flows effortlessly, in a way to be shared with generations to come. 

    The journal includes four weeks of daily writing. Weekly topics include: memories, life lessons, passions, and gratitude. 

    This is a journal you give to your loved ones, ask them to write in it (or you can help them as well) when completed, it then comes back to you as a lasting legacy. 

    Get your Journal NOW!
    Please note: shipping only in the US

     Hello, I'm Loretta Omland

    As a wife, mother, stepmother, and bonus grandmother to 13, I understand the unique dynamics of blended families and the importance of leaving behind a meaningful legacy. My journal, All About Me, is designed to help you or your loved ones capture memories and share life stories in a simple yet timeless way.
    Iā€™m passionate about living fully, spending time in nature, and always being prepared for the future. Along with the journal, I also created Organizing My Life, a course that helps you organize and document all your personal information, your physical assets, and financial accounts, ensuring you are organized, and your loved ones aren't left with chaos IF something happens to you.
     This special and unique journal reflects my ongoing commitment to helping families preserve their stories for generations to come.

    Time goes by so quickly! 

    Writing about ourselves, those special occasions, childhood memories, challenges, and our passions gives us and our loved ones a deeper meaning of who we are and insight into who they are as well.

    What's in it for YOU?

  • A beautifully crafted, 67-page physical journal

  • A timeless piece of memorabilia 

  • Daily, thought-provoking prompts 

  • Designed to inspire creativity and mindfullness 

  • A perfect gift for any loved one

    Please NOTE: Shipping available only in US

  • One time easy payment: $17.99

    Get your Journal NOW!
    One payment of $17.99 (US shipping only)

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